Creating mood boards

    Before starting the design process, my lecturer suggested creating a mood board. Frankly, I was not familiar with the concept. I questioned why I should invest time in making one. Would it truly enhance the beauty of my design? I grasped the concept as a compilation of images, but I was uncertain about the types of pictures to include.

Upon conducting research on the Studio Binder website and Marca Studio website, I discovered the significance of a mood board in the ideation process. It offers designers a comprehensive understanding of their upcoming design endeavours. Evidently, a mood board can encompass various elements of design: photography, colour swatches, textures, typography, and other inspiring ideas.

            So I have decided to use Adobe Illustrator to create my mood board.

Visual mood board:

    Since my channel is about Malaysian charms, which showcase what's interesting about Malaysia and also its history, I tried to find as many pictures as I could about Malaysia. It is quite challenging actually because Malaysia consists of various races, so the aesthetics are not the same. But it is fun to see my mood board is so colourful, and it makes me realize that Malaysia is indeed colourful with a variety of people and cultures. So because of that, I'm thinking of having these as my colour palette:

Colour palette:

Typography mood board:

Since I aim to spotlight captivating images of Malaysia in my banner, I believe it would be best if my typeface is simple. Therefore, here is a compilation of typography that I believe will suit my design. I find suitable fonts in Dafont.


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